Success With Hypnosis Positive Change with Hypnosis – Success With Hypnosis


Positive Change with Hypnosis

Positive Change with Hypnosis

hypnosis and hypnotherapy are amazing techniques for self change. There is a glut of self help books and techniques for change, but none of them can beat the power of hypnosis. Perhaps the reason it is not used more is because of the negative myths and misconceptions promoted by Hollywood movies and stage shows.

The reality is that due to a lack of understanding, many people are missing out on a technique that they can control. Hypnosis does not induce a lack of control, nor is it best utilized with individuals who are lacking in intellect or strength of mind. I can’t make someone do something they don’t want to do or that goes against their moral clock or values. Some of my best hypnotic subjects have been doctors, professional athletes and highly intelligent business executives, because they know what they want and are open to allow the change or changes that they desire to happen.

Hypnosis is a state of mind that everyone drifts into during the day. Hypnosis is a permissive state. There is nothing mysterious or occult about this incredible mental state. Highway hypnosis is one example. As you drive past your exit you may realize that you were driving while being in a zone or a trance-like state. Time elapsed much more quickly than expected and suddenly you are going by your exit. When you daydream, which hopefully everyone does, that is a form of self-hypnosis. I have had clients who have already been practicing self-hypnosis; they just weren’t aware of it nor were they able to tap into the power of their mind because they have no knowledge of how the mind works or how to use this remarkable state.

Sales people and athletes have already figured out the power of hypnosis. Not to use on others, but on themselves. Many athletes will talk about using hypnosis to perform better. Tiger Woods, Michael Jordon and John Smoltz are just a few of the athletes who have used hypnosis to improve a specific part of their game. People who want to lose weight or stop smoking are also becoming more aware of this power that is within them. Anyone who has a desire to change and a willingness to be hypnotized can experience this fantastic state and improve every aspect of their lives.

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